Vida Maxx




Vida Maxx

Introducing Vida Maxx (Resvida + Fruitflow). It has the ability to maintain normal blood circulation and helps to maintain a healthy platelet function important to cardiovascular health. Vida Maxx starts to work as quickly as 1 hour after taking the supplement and continues to enhance normal blood circulation for up to 12 hours. Fruitflow is the only product of its kind and one of the first dietary ingredients to receive an authorized health benefit statement from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

It may sound complicated, but it’s really quite simple. Think of platelets as cars on a highway, each moving unfettered down its lane. If two or more cars come together in a crash, traffic can back up for miles. Keeping those cars moving is vital to safe traffic flow.

Specific Fruitflow® + resVida® benefits:
Is a natural, healthy and safe ingredient
Can be used in food, beverages and dietary supplements applications
Is highly stable and water-soluble, with low flavor, odor and color profile
Provides strong differentiation for heart health products (an opportunity to create new segment in the category)
Builds on established consumer awareness around cholesterol and other heart health solutions.
resVida® is a high-potency, convenient and safe trans-resveratrol for healthy aging and healthy heart
resVida® is 99% pure – the purest form of trans-resveratrol available
resVida® is a nature-identical form of resveratrol
resVida® has comprehensive safety data that is unmatched by any other form of resveratrol
resVida® has undergone 10 years of development and testing
resVida® is one of the leading resveratrol dietary and food ingredients to meet a high safety standard
resVida® is free from pesticides and herbicides and can be used in a variety of dietary supplement and food and beverages
resVida® has self-affirmed Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status by an independent panel of experts, and is produced according to Food GMP (Good Manufacturing Principles), while meeting OU Kosher and Halal requirements.

If you or someone you love is concerned about healthy circulation and cardiovascular wellness, you owe it to yourself to make Vidamaxx part of your daily life. It’s simple. It’s safe. It’s all natural.

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