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HATOD PAG LAOM, BANGON ORAGONS!!! Thank you very much EMPOWERED CONSUMERISM-ALIVE FOUNDATION AND AIMBICOL FOUNDATION in cooperation with Washington International School!!! We make a life by what we give,and yes, we don’t give to get, WE GIVE TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO GIVE. We are not just a company, we are a company with a heart […]

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DO YOU KNOW? That every product sold in Aim Global, a certain percentage goes to our Alive Foundation. While we are earning in this business, we unconsciously are helping more people live a decent life, this is what we call legacy. Fame and fortune may be gone, but legacy will stay until eternity. The Lord […]

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Being yourself is the prettiest thing you can be. I am the Queen of my own Empire. -shai  

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REQUIRES A CHANGE OF MINDSET “If you want a solid future, you need to create it. You can take charge of your future only when you take control of your income source. You need your own business.” The recessions is the BEST times to build a business. People get creative in times of uncertainty.   […]

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Lessons, experiences, struggles, challenges, emotions. Difficult to explain. But what I can say is that it has been the best experience of my life. “Take and take.” “One day at a time.” And everything will be okay. God bless our soldiers and their families. Unity is the only solution to be a great nation, lets […]

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Why is financial literacy important? – it equips us with the knowledge and skills we need to manage money effectively. – it maximizes our success if we are literate in managing our assets. EKONEKWORLDWIDE founders are always seeking fresh answers and solution on how to answer these questions in our modern time. We believed that […]

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